Art – Academy Project by RedheadTrickster

I hope you liked my last art post, because I wanted to share a new one to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This time, I’m sharing an illustration of the two main characters from the Academy project:

This Art Nouveau illustration has two panels, like two tarot cards or a stained glass window. Inside each panel there's one of the main characters, both facing the opposite direction, but linked by a long scarf the character on the right is knitting and the character on the left has wrapped around his neck.
The young man on the left dresses in red and black. His features and clothes seem Asian, and he's gazing up at the sky, holding out one of his hands to catch the snowflakes while the other hand is touching the scarf.
The one on the right is looking down at the scarf he's knitting. His skin and eyes are lighter, his hair black and curly. He's wearing a blue and white uniform that looks like a tailcoat.
The background is framed by Art Nouveau shapes and depicts different elements from the story: floating lights that look like stars, white cherry blossoms, purple gladioli, and two crocheted circles behind their heads, a bit like a halo.

As I said on the project’s moodboard post, this WIP started as the High Fantasy version of the Alcalá project. Of course, the stories are VERY different by now. The main thing they have in common is that the characters are university students, but in this case it’s a university of magic.

I thought this project would be easier to write because it wouldn’t require the great amount of research Alcalá needs, but then I decided to create a very complicated magic system, so it’s going to take a while. As you can see, I continue to be my worst enemy.

Anyway, these are the main characters of this enemies-to-lovers set in a fantasy world with a university, magic, flowers and knitting. I love the they-were-roommates trope, so I wanted to add a pinch of it to this project as well. I’m hoping it will increase the tension and pining.

This beautiful artwork was done by RedheadTrickster, whose Art Nouveau style fits perfectly with this project. Please do check her art and commission information on the following site:

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